The Red Deer River Naturalists and Nature Alberta are pleased to introduce this new program: NATURE CENTRAL: Celebrating Our Wild Alberta Parklands. The program will be delivered by RDRN Naturalist in Residence, Shaye Hill, and RDRN Assistant Naturalist, Sherry Scheunert. The goal of Nature Central is to celebrate the protected areas in Central Alberta and to increase the appreciation, thoughtful exploration, non-consumptive use and ecological understanding of these areas.
At present, there are various protected areas across the region that are owned and/or man-aged by different agencies, organizations and municipalities. Nature Central will provide, through this website, a central and publicly accessible inventory of these areas. In addition to summarizing the information that has already been documented for each area, Shaye and Sherry will be conducting additional biophysical inventories of these properties and in Collaboration with the stakeholders lead and deliver small and well-controlled public nature-based programs that are child, youth and family friendly. They will also be leading and encouraging public involvement in citizen science projects. Funding for this project has been provided by the Janet (Jaffaray) Tack bequest, ECO Canada and through private donations (Dr. Cliff Soper, Anonymous). Watch for website updates as well as social media posts about this new and exciting initiative! |